BTSE Card Subscription Renewal

Subscription Renewal FAQ

1. How do I know when my subscription will renew?

Answer: We will send you reminder notifications three months, one month, and one week before your subscription expires. These notifications will inform you of the upcoming renewal and the scheduled date for the automatic payment.

2. What is automatic subscription renewal?

Answer: Automatic subscription renewal ensures that your subscription will be renewed automatically before it expires. We will attempt to deduct the subscription fee from your wallet one month before the expiry date. If the first attempt fails, we will try again on the expiry date.

3. Can I manually renew my subscription before the automatic renewal?

Answer: Yes, you can manually renew your subscription before the automatic renewal date. Simply log into your account, go to the subscription page, and click the “Renew” button. This option is available one month before the expiry date.

4. How do I know if my subscription was successfully renewed?

Answer: After a successful renewal, you will receive a confirmation email, and the updated subscription status will be reflected in your account. Additionally, you will receive a notification if the renewal fails due to insufficient funds or other issues.

5. What happens if there are insufficient funds in my wallet for the renewal?

Answer: If your wallet has insufficient funds during the first attempt one month before the expiry date, we will remind you to add funds to it. If the issue persists as we pass the expiry date, your subscription and card will be frozen, and we will continue to notify you until the subscription is either renewed or canceled.

6. What happens if my subscription is canceled after expiry?

Answer: If your subscription is not renewed by the expiry date, it will enter a frozen status immediately. In this state, your card will be temporarily inactive, but your account and remaining balance will be still intact until you renew the subscription.

  • 1 Week After Expiry: You will receive a second notification reminding you to renew your subscription. During this period, your card remains frozen, but you can still renew your subscription to regain full access.

  • 1 Month and 3 Weeks After Expiry: A third notification will be sent, urging you to renew your subscription. Your card will remain frozen, and you will still be able to renew it to avoid further action.

  • 2 Months After Expiry: If you do not renew by this time, your subscription will be permanently terminated, and your card will be deactivated. At this point, the system will process a refund for any fees deducted during the frozen period, which will be returned to your spot wallet. Please note that the refund process may take some time as we have to manually process the refund. If you wish to continue using the service after termination, you will need to reapply for a new subscription.

7. What should I do if I don’t want to renew my subscription?

Answer: If you do not wish to renew your subscription, you must contact our customer support team before the renewal date. They will assist you in canceling the renewal for the next period.

8. What happens if I don’t take any action after my subscription expires?

Answer: If your subscription expires and is not renewed, your card will be frozen. You will receive several notifications to remind you to renew it. If you still decide not to renew, your subscription will be permanently canceled 2 months after the expiry date.

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